Palm Sunday

Discussion Questions

  1. Why does Mark tell this story (like many others in his gospel) with imagery that points us back to the Old Testament?

  2. This story points to Jesus being the coming king. In our lives, do we see Jesus as our king? If so, how? If not, why not? 

  3. In a time that has slowed down and it seems like not much is happening, what do we find ourselves missing? Why do we miss them? 

  4. We know the truth of scripture tells us that God is with us. How have we experienced this truth in a real and personal way over the last few weeks? 

  5. How can we see and experience God in the ordinary and seemingly mundane things of life? What meaning does this give to the things we do every day? 

  6. What anxiety or fears are we holding on to that we need to cast on the Lord because he cares for us (1 Peter 5:7)?