The Messiah

Sermon on Mark 8:27 – 35

Discussion Questions:


  1. In this passage, Jesus asked the disciples two questions. The first one was, “Who do people say that I am?” If we asked this question to people today, “Who would people say that Jesus is?” 

  2. The second question was directed at the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” This is the most important question you will ever answer. Who is Jesus to you? How have you come to know him, or what is it like as you seek to know him?

  3. Jesus tells the disciples what the Messiah or Christ must go through (v.31 – 35). This is not what the disciples expected to happen. How has Jesus surprised you in your own life by doing unexpected things? What was the outcome and how did it strengthen your faith in Jesus? 

  4. Many of us just wish Jesus would take this suffering that the Coronavirus has brought away. While that is not a bad thing to pray for, how is it revealing that our trust or faith was in our routines, circumstances, people, places, markets, and things over Jesus? In this time, how can we put Jesus back in his rightful place in our hearts and faith as our first love (Rev. 2:4)? 

  5. Michael talked about how it feels like we have lost our lives in the last few days. We are trying to embrace a new routine for a while. What are ways we can seek Jesus during this new routine? How is this different than before?

  6. In this new routine, what do you think a little slow down has shown you about your life in just a few days? What do you hope to do with life slowing down just a little bit, and how can you remember to bring this with you when life gets back to “normal”?